RI DD Legislative Commission Seeks To Change Payment Methods For DD Service Providers
/By Gina Macris
Louis DiPalma * All Photos By Anne Peters
Rhode Island must find an alternative to the fee-for-service system used to reimburse private agencies that provide services to adults with developmental disabilities, a special legislative commission has concluded after more than a year’s study.
The 21-member panel chaired by State Sen. Louis DiPalma, D-Middletown, is finalizing more than a dozen recommendations, most of them aimed at changing key provisions of the payment system, known as Project Sustainability, which has been in place since 2011. Then, Rhode Island’s approach to serving adults with developmental disabilities relied heavily on sheltered workshops and day centers, an approach that figured in a civil rights investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice two years later.
Rhode Island no longer has sheltered workshops, thanks to a 2014 consent decree resulting from the DOJ investigation, which calls for enabling adults with developmental disabilities to become part of their communities in accordance with the U.S. Supreme Court’s Olmstead decision reaffirming the Integration Mandate of the Americans With Disabilities Act.
But the underlying regulations of Project Sustainability, coupled with inadequate funding, still hinder the best efforts of state officials, professionals and families to help adults with developmental disabilities engage in the activities they choose in their communities, according to testimony heard by the commission.
DiPalma presented the recommendations at a Jan. 14 meeting that concluded the work of the Project Sustainability Commission but set the stage for continued engagement by a smaller steering committee and subcommittees to advance the implementation of legislative and other changes.
The commission would replace fee-for-service reimbursement with “bundled” allocations for individuals that would give providers a set sum for each client over the course of a year, providing greater flexibility in individualizing programs. One recommendation would also simplify the billing process.
The current system guarantees funding for only three months at a time, with documentation of daytime activities required in 15-minute increments. By regulation, staffing ratios are linked to one of five levels of funding a particular person receives, not to the staffing required to support a person at any given time.
In this scenario, some residents of a group home may end up going along on a housemate’s outing, even though they have no interest in it. The commission recommends such ratios be eliminated to allow providers greater flexibility in assigning staff.
The commission’s recommendations cover some of the same ground as outside consultants who are in the midst of an 18-month study of the developmental disability system at the behest of the state Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH). The consultants are supervised by the New England States Consortium Systems Organization (NESCSO), which is expected to conclude its work June30.
DiPalma’s expectation is that NESCSO will recommend a way forward for a new funding model to support individualization and integration in the community, with an emphasis on increasing employment opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities.
Kerri Zanchi (R) Speaks while A. Kathryn Power, NewBHDDH Director, Listens
Kerri Zanchi, a commission member and director of the Division of Developmental Disabilities at BHDDH, reminded DiPalma during the Jan. 14 meeting that NESCSO was hired to provide the department with options, not to make specific recommendations on ways it should restructure.
DiPalma said he appreciated Zanchi’s remarks, but “we’re here because of 2011,” the year the General Assembly enacted Project Sustainability, with a $26-million budget cut that ignored recommendations by outside consultants. The average pay for direct care workers still falls below the benchmark of $13.97, an hour recommended by the consultants in 2011.
“We’re still trying to claw our way out of that hole,” DiPalma said. He reiterated his view that NESCSO should be asked to make recommendations, not simply suggestions.
High on DiPalma’s priority list is a multi-year effort to address critical shortages of direct care workers by gradually increasing wages to make Rhode Island competitive with Massachusetts and Connecticut, one of the funding-related recommendations supported by the commission.
He encouraged commission members to continue their advocacy in a direct and respectful manner. “Do not take no for an answer on changes that are necessary,” DiPalma said. “Do not be combative,” he said, but open the door to collaboration and compromise by outlining the problem and asking for help in figuring it out.
The Commission’s funding-related recommendations said the budgeting process should be transparent. The developmental disabilities caseload should be part of the Caseload Estimating Conference held in conjunction with the Revenue Estimating Conference twice a year by the chief fiscal officers of the governor and the legislature to better inform budget preparations regarding the state’s social service obligations, the commission said.
In addition, the state should no longer use a disability-related assessment for calculating individual funding allocations according to a secret formula, or algorithm. Instead, the commission said, the assessment, called the Supports Intensity Scale, should be used for helping planners design programs of support for adults with developmental disabilities, the purpose for which it was designed by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
To eliminate inherent conflicts of interest between the state funding apparatus and service providers, individual service programs should be written by independent planners, the commission recommended. It did not favor a separate multi-million dollar social service case-management entity, called a “Health Home,” which BHDDH hopes to set into motion with Medicaid funding to satisfy federal conflict-of-interest regulations.
The commission also wants to bring to the table a barrier cross-section of public agencies to work on eliminating barriers to integration, like challenges in transportation and employment-related services. These agencies would include the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority and the state Department of Labor and Training (DLT), in addition to BHDDH and the Office of Rehabilitation Services, as service providers, families and consumers.
DiPalma said he would like to see BHDDH ask DLT to take the lead on employment services for adults with developmental disabilities.
Among other recommendations are these:
BHDDH should establish crisis intervention capabilities that can respond to mental health emergencies in the community and prevent costly psychiatric hospitalizations
The state should create a seamless transition for young people and their families from high school to adult services. The existing process has been compared to “falling off a cliff.”
DiPalma said the recommendations will be finalized in the coming week to incorporate comments made at the meeting. A steering committee, including himself and seven other commission members, will remain active, setting into motion small working groups to address legislative and other issues and reconvening every three months to review progress.
He asked the commission members “to do one thing: hold yourself and each of us accountable to stay on track” on behalf of the 3,835 people who currently receive developmental disability services.