$10 Million CARES Act Money Set As Emergency Aid For RI DD Providers

By Gina Macris

(This article has been updated.)

The state of Rhode Island has agreed to set aside $10 million from the federally-funded CARES Act as a short-term safety net for private providers of developmental disability services, who are in “financial distress” as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

The state negotiated the sum with the providers, working under an order from Chief Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. of the U.S. District Court to ensure the private agencies don’t close their doors before the end of the fiscal year June 30.

McConnell formally approved the plan in an order Dec. 23, with an accompanying memorandum recognizing the “extraordinary efforts of the State", including Governor Gina Raimondo’s office and several departments of the executive branch, as well as State Sen. Louis DiPalma, D-Middletown, who participated in the negotiations.

“It is heartening to see the large state apparatus come together to assist those most vulnerable in our community, and to help fulfill the promises of the Consent Decree,” McConnell said.

The order also affirmed the state’s commitment to “work with providers to develop a three-year plan to improve outcomes for individuals with I/DD, and to include an investment in the I/DD provider network in the Governor’s FY22 state budget plan as part of this work.”

The continuity of the private provider system is essential to the state’s ability to comply with the consent decree, 2014 civil rights agreement requiring the integration of adults with developmental disabilities in their communities by 2024.

The agreement between the state and the providers establishes an “I/DD (Intellectual and Developmental Disability) Provider Support Program” of grants to cover pandemic-related losses of some three dozen private agencies, which have been forced to drastically reduce daytime services at the same time they have been saddled with sharply higher costs for safety measures necessary to protect residents of group homes.

The application process for funds and the distribution of the grants will run on an accelerated timeline, with initial information flowing to providers Dec. 21 and documented grant requests due back Dec. 28, according to the filing with the U.S. District Court. Funding is to be available Jan. 8. Agencies must document how they are using the funds by Jan. 30.

The program aims to expand daytime services for adults with developmental disabilities, who in large part received center-based care until the pandemic hit and forced providers to close these facilities. Some daytime services, including employment supports, have continued, but the grants are intended to enable providers to go into clients homes as well as build on existing individualized programs.

“Home-based service alternatives require a large and flexible workforce,” according to a summary of the grant program submitted to McConnell. Providers have had difficulty finding workers, having to pay up to $30 an hour to staff some group homes.

The program is intended to enable group home staff to better protect and care for residents, some of whom have pre-existing medical conditions and are particularly susceptible to being hospitalized with the virus when they otherwise might receive care in a less restrictive setting. Ensuring hospital beds are reserved for only the sickest patients is a public health priority, the summary said.

Agencies receiving grants must agree to comply with all COVID-related public health recommendations and several other conditions that further the goals of preserving and increasing services and supporting frontline workers who provide direct care.

The specific requirements detail a commitment to essential services, outreach to those in a variety of living situations, and making “reasonable attempts” not to lay off more than 50 percent of employees.

The summary said that it will require “broad cooperation” to overcome the problems COVID-19 has caused for the developmental disability system, which will continue to face challenges as the situation evolves.

“This partnership represents an opportunity to extend that cooperation to build strong resilience for the current crisis and improve health outcomes for all Rhode Islanders in need of I/DD services and supports. The State of Rhode Island looks forward to working with critically important I/DD providers, consumers, and other stakeholders to establish and carry out this partnership,” the summary concluded.

The court-ordered negotiations grew out of a Nov. 24 hearing before Judge McConnell. The testimony laid out the ways the COVID-19 pandemic has undermined providers’ ability to serve their clients and threatened the entirety of their operations. (See related article.)

The state’s lawyers said the negotiations were a “collaborative effort” facilitated by the independent court monitor in the case, A. Anthony Antosh.

The state participants included representatives of the governor’s office, the Department of Administration, the Office of Management and Budget, the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals, and members of the General Assembly.

The providers were represented by the Community Provider Network of Rhode Island, a non-profit trade association with about two dozen members, about two thirds of the three dozen agencies providing services to adults with developmental disabilities in Rhode Island. Other providers also participated, according to the state’s private lawyers, Marc DeSisto and Kathleen Hilton.

Lawyers for the U.S. Department of Justice engaged in the talks but took “no position” on the agreement, according to a separate statement they submitted to the court.

Read the documents filed by the state here.

Court To Hear Plan To Shore Up RI DD Providers

By Gina Macris

A federal court monitor says Rhode Island must release $2 million a month designated for adults with developmental disabilities to keep service providers afloat between December and June.

The money would be used exclusively to recruit and retain new workers and boost the pay of existing staff to a minimum of $20 an hour, as well as cover the cost of personal protective equipment and other expenses related to COVID-19.

A. Anthony Antosh submitted a three-page report outlining the rationale for his plan to the U.S. District Court Nov. 18 and asked the state to tell the court how it will address the recommendations by Nov. 30. Chief Judge John J. McConnell has moved up the deadline, scheduling an on-line hearing on the status of consent decree compliance at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 24.

Antosh said that a rise in coronavirus cases has affected the population with intellectual or developmental disabilities in several ways:

• More people are sick

• Private services providers and families independently managing their loved ones’ programs can’t find staff

• The number and frequency of employment-related services and supports for community activities required by the consent decree has declined

Under the current fee-for-service system, providers are increasingly constrained in their ability to file claims with the state, exacerbating their already-precarious financial condition.

Antosh indicated that the state could release $2 million a month to service providers for the next six months because average monthly spending has decreased by roughly that amount from April through October, when compared with the previous six-month period.

He warned that the consortium hired by the state Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH) to review the system top to bottom concluded that private provider agencies were fiscally “fragile and profoundly undercapitalized” even before the pandemic hit. Now their financial position is even worse, Antosh said.

Private service agencies, which support about 83 percent of the population protected by the consent decree, are using most of their resources to serve adults in group homes, where COVID-19 cases are multiplying, Antosh said. Citing a daily report of new cases provided by BHDDH, he said 28 percent of all positive cases in residents, 35 percent of all positive cases in staff and 21 percent of all hospitalizations have occurred in the past six weeks.

A total of 580 staff and residents in 147 group homes – about half of the 291 congregate care settings in the state – have tested positive since the pandemic began, Antosh said.

Source: A. Anthony Antosh, Court Monitor

Source: A. Anthony Antosh, Court Monitor

Several agencies report they are unable to get staff unless they pay them $30 an hour in COVID-positive group homes and $25 an hour in quarantined homes, where the COVID status is uncertain. Even then, they cannot find enough workers to fill the state staffing requirements, Antosh said.

People with developmental disabilities living in family homes, meanwhile, “are receiving only limited supports related to employment and integrated community and day activities,” the monitor’s report said.

The monitor said the state “has demonstrated good faith in attempting to address the impact of COVID-19” in multiple ways, including:

• Special payments early in the pandemic that allowed providers to bill at pre-COVID rates for two months

• Recent approval of an additional $3 million from the CARES Act to provide up to $1,200 in “payroll support” for existing full time direct care staff or recruitment funds for new staff. That boost is also time-limited, Antosh said.

Despite these and other initiatives, Antosh said, “there is significant concern that, if additional resources are not provided for the remainder of the current fiscal year, providers will be unable to recruit and retain sufficient staff needed to provide the employment and community services required by the Consent Decree.”

Antosh said BHDDH figures show a decrease of $11,444,874 in expenditures for developmental disabilities from April to October, when compared with the previous six-month period, an average of $1,907,479 per month. His plan recommends the state put that money to use by allocating $2 million a month, beginning in December, through the end of the fiscal year June 30, 2021.

As has been the case with other COVID-funding initiatives, providers should submit a proposal and a rationale, Antosh said. He said those who direct their own programs or who live independently or with families also should have access to these funds.

The public may observe the court hearing on line by going to the calendar page of the U.S. District Court and entering the date, November 24, and the name of Judge McConnell. To access the calendar click here.

Olmstead Monitor: RI Needs Overhaul Of DD System To Comply With 2014 Agreement

By Gina Macris

During the next three years, Rhode Island must completely restructure its services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and increase financial support accordingly to fully comply with a federal civil rights consent decree by the 2024 deadline.

A. Anthony Antosh

A. Anthony Antosh

That is the conclusion of an independent federal court monitor, A. Anthony Antosh, in an Oct. 7 report to Chief Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. of the U.S. District Court.

At McConnell’s direction, Antosh says he’s also working on a dollar figure for the cost of compliance, using an outside $1.1 million analysis of existing services commissioned by the state itself.

The state agreed, under the consent decree in 2014, to end its reliance on sheltered workshops and group day care centers and instead put adults with developmental disabilities in the driver’s seat when choosing a path in life, with an emphasis on regular employment and participation in community activities.

The last sheltered workshop closed in 2018, but many of the other goals of the consent decree have remained elusive, and Judge McConnell has grown impatient with a lack of funding he says is necessary to lay the foundation for compliance by the time federal oversight is scheduled to expire in 2024.

John J. McConnell, Jr.

John J. McConnell, Jr.

“If anybody couldn’t tell, I am obsessed with the issue of funding as essential for us to get there,” McConnell said during a virtual hearing in July.

“If we don’t come up with a way to systemically support the (service) providers, then the whole thing will be meaningless,” McConnell said.

He has said he is prepared to tell the state to “find the money” to comply with the consent decree. State officials who control the purse strings must participate in the redesign of services, the judge has said.

In the most recent monitor’s report, Antosh set the tone for his recommendations by saying that compliance is “not found in a narrow analysis of the benchmarks of the Consent Decree, but is rooted in defining the structural changes that need to occur in order that the goals of the Consent Decree can be achieved.”

In bold print, he highlighted the fact that the outside analysis of the existing system found that most of the private service providers are “fragile and profoundly undercapitalized.”

In a separate report, the state responded to a court order that it address 16 fiscal and administrative barriers to the integration of people with developmental disabilities into their communities as mandated by the consent decree. The summary is the first of six progress reports the state must make to Judge McConnell by next June on its planning effort for long-range reform.

In its report, the state set a deadline of March, 2022 to overhaul its fiscal system. The changes include the elimination of three practices that for years have been identified as problematic by families and providers:

  • staffing ratios that discourage community integration, so that in some cases, one worker must supervise up to five people on an outing, whether or not those people want to be there.

  • documentation of staff time in 15-minute increments, which providers say diverts significant resources that otherwise could be used for direct services.

  • Allocation of a certain percentage of services for segregated facility-based activities.

Alluding to the budget uncertainties caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the state’s seven-page summary cautions that the planning efforts are “dependent upon the continuation of current state staffing and budgetary levels.”

Monitor’s Budget For Reform Coming “Soon”

McConnell has asked Antosh to analyze current funding and make a dollars-and-cents recommendation for the cost of implementing the needed comprehensive changes.

Antosh said that report will be completed “soon.” He said he has begun that work, relying primarily on data drawn from an 18-month study done by the New England States Consortium Systems Organization (NESCSO) for the state’s disability agency.

The 143-page NESCSO study presented a number of findings and options for change but made no recommendations, at the behest of the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals.

Antosh said there is a need for systemic restructuring of existing services and supports, which are now “essentially based on group activities that occur in a blend of facility and community settings.”

The situation is exacerbated by a difficulty in recruiting and retaining high quality staff and by the COVID-19 pandemic, which in emphasizing the health risks of large gatherings has “reinforced the diminishing value of facility-based group services,” Antosh said.

The pandemic also has led to a setback in the progress made in the area of employment for adults with developmental disabilities. In June, as the state was beginning to reopen, only 31 percent of those who previously held jobs were still actively employed, Antosh said. (Some on furlough have since returned to work.)

Among work crews hired for large scale commercial cleaning or laundry operations and the like, only about half were working, he said.

The statistics underline a need for “new and intensified approaches to job development,” he said. “What is needed is a new model for providing supports that is more individualized, community based, and uses funds and supports from an increased variety of sources,” including the state’s Department of Labor and Training, Antosh said.

Family Hesitation About Integration

While the gears of state government are focused on moving Rhode Island into compliance with the federal government’s mandate of integrating individuals with developmental disabilities into the larger community, more than a third of the families with an adult son or daughter who would benefit say they oppose or are not yet convinced that the push toward employment is worthwhile.

The pandemic aside, significant numbers of families also express opposition or hesitation about their loved ones’ increased participation in community activities.

For Antosh, who included survey results of families as part of his report, the statistics underscore the need for adolescents to experience work-related and social activities in their communities as part of their education and for families to receive more information about the breadth of available opportunities.

It is perhaps most telling that among families of high school students, who are more likely than their older peers to have had internships and community experiences as part of their education, only 3 percent were opposed to jobs for their sons and daughters and 10 percent said they weren’t sure. Two thirds of families of adolescents said they believed the young people should have jobs as adults. Other parents of high school students – about one in five- said their son or daughter had to deal with other challenges before turning to employment. This is typically the case for those with chronic health problems.

Family survey on employment 2020.jpg
Family survey on community activities (1) 10-7-20.jpg
Source: Monitor’s Report To U.S. District Court 10-7-20

Source: Monitor’s Report To U.S. District Court 10-7-20

The 2014 statewide consent decree draws its authority from the Integration Mandate of the Americans With Disabilities Act, which was reinforced by the Olmstead decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. The high court said that states must deliver services to all persons with disabilities in the most integrated setting that is therapeutically appropriate, and it presumed that setting to be the community.

In 2014, the U.S. Department of Justice found that the state violated the Integration Mandate by funneling high school students from segregated educational programs with low expectations to a lifetime of isolation in sheltered workshops and day care programs. In signing the consent decree, the state agreed to correct the violations by 2024. (A preliminary case against the state and the city of Providence in 2013 was merged into the statewide consent decree a year ago after Judge McConnell found the city and its school department had turned around a segregated high school program for students with developmental disabilities, leaving only the state as the defendant.

Antosh outlined several overarching features of successful implementation of the consent decree, including these:

  • Each person will have the supports necessary to enjoy a self-determined, self-directed life based on work and non-work activities in the community.

  • Private provider agencies will have the funding, staffing and other resources they need to meet the support needs of all persons receiving funding through the Division of Developmental Disabilities.

  • Every adolescent and adult with intellectual or developmental disabilities will have the information and guidance they need to navigate a simpler and more efficient system of services.

  • All adolescents and young adults leaving school will have had enough transitional work-related and non-work experiences in the community to make informed choices about jobs and careers, as well as a plan to direct their own programs or sign on with a provider organization.

Antosh recommended that the state develop a three-year budget strategy, beginning July 1, 2021, to “stabilize” developmental disability services and provide sufficient funding to implement the consent decree.

The monitor’s recommendations include a new, formal role for the Department of Labor and Training (DLT), which until now has not been a part of the multi-agency state team responsible for official responses to the court.

Antosh said DLT should immediately join BHDDH, the state Department of Education, the Department of Human Services, and the Executive Office of Health and Human Services in working on consent decree compliance.

DLT also should include all teenagers and adults with developmental disabilities in the workforce initiatives it administers, the monitor said.

By Jan. 1, 2021, the state should create an “Employer Task Force” to promote employment of those with developmental disabilities, Antosh said. The task force would identify relevant workforce trends and advise state officials and provider organizations about ways to reach out to prospective employers and offer employers incentives and support.

By April 1, 2021, the state must identify every possible source of funding that could support the consent decree and describe ways these sources can be “braided” to support the various requirements of the agreement.

As for private providers, the backbone of the service system, Antosh set a deadline of April 30, 2021 for them to develop action plans for the future. There are 36 provider agencies, most of them offering both day and residential services. In their plans, providers should redefine the support area that will be their focus, address consent decree issues, make budget projections and include internal quality improvement programs.

Just as the state has established five workgroups to address fiscal and administrative problems, Antosh recommended the state create additional issue-oriented work groups whose members are drawn from the ranks of state officials and community organizations, like the Employment Force Task Force.

One group would develop strategies to stabilize the workforce by increasing salaries, elevating professionalism through training, and creating a career ladder.

Other groups would address specific plans for:

  • putting individuals at the center of mapping out long range and short-term goals for their future and strategies for achieving them

  • ensuring young people have a smooth transition from high school to adult services,

  • creating new models for providing services and supports for employment and community-based activities.

  • enhancing the use of technology as a support strategy

  • Developing alternative transportation options, including stipends that allow individuals to arrange their own rides

  • Improving outreach to families, including those speak languages other than English and come from diverse cultures.

To read the full monitor’s report, click here. To read the state’s report, click here.

Photos by Anne Peters